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Category: Blanks

6 easy ways to dry honey mushrooms at home

Drying is considered the best way to harvest mushrooms. Dry honey mushrooms do not lose their taste. They are fragrant. Dishes made from them are healthier for humans than prepared in another way: pickling, canning or salted. You need to know how to properly...

6 easy ways to dry plums at home

Nature has endowed people with rich resources. All natural products, among which there is also dried plum, which has a mass of valuable vitamins, minerals and substances vital for the body that can strengthen human health. Also dried fruit...

4 ways to properly prepare dried carrots for the winter

The tradition of drying carrots has come to us since ancient Russia and is relevant to this day. The root vegetable contains a large amount of vitamins and substances beneficial to the body, which are stored in the dried product. The workpiece is universal and can be applied...

How to properly cook dried pomegranate at home

Pomegranate is a delicious and healthy fruit, the skins of which have many medicinal properties. It is usually customary to throw them away. The peel is rich in vitamins and minerals. Its beneficial properties are used in medicinal and cosmetic...

How to dry Jerusalem artichoke at home

It's no secret that traditional methods of storing crops, such as canning, involve the use of substances that are not always useful for the human body - vinegar and salt. Much healthier to use for consumption...

How to make dried fruits at home

The benefits of highly fortified dry fruits in winter can hardly be overestimated. They are included in the diet as an independent dish, used for baking, stewed fruit and warming drinks. Proper drying preserves vitamins and minerals....